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Inte:Ligand: Your partner for in-silico drug discovery
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Chapter 2. Introduction to LigandScout

LigandScout is a powerful structure- and ligand-based pharmacophore model generator based on sophisticated algorithms for performing alignments and interpreting and customizing ligand-macromolecule interactions.
LigandScout extracts and interprets ligands and their macromolecular environment from PDB files and automatically creates and visualizes advanced 3D pharmacophore models supporting multiple features per heavy atom to broaden the scope of a single model. A wide range of powerful editing tools ( 2D View and 3D View ) lets you generate customized, highly specific pharmacophore models within a few seconds. Excluded volume recognition and the resulting excluded volume coats drastically increase selectivity by considering sterical characteristics of the binding site. Moreover, LigandScout supports the generation of pharmacophore models based on molecules injected into the binding site and supplies a Library View for the investigation of docking poses and viewing results of virtual screening in the active site.
Analysis of the conformational space of ligands, clustering and alignment methods help to search for common feature arrangements. This is especially useful when binding site interactions are not known. Reaching a consensus pattern from a set of ligands binding to one particular macromolecule is a further step in drug development. Rapid and accurate in-silico screening of compound libraries is integrated into LigandScout along with tools to analyze the performance of the models.
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