Inte:Ligand illustration

LigandScout Menu Reference

LigandScout's menu bar consists of:



Displays the Open File dialog (CTRL+O). Various file formats presenting chemical structure information (e.g.: *.pdb, *.sdf, ...) can be imported to LigandScout. If you open new data, all current data is closed before loading the new one.


This command allows the injection of additional molecules into your shown data (binding site and/or pharmacophore) in the Structure-Based Modeling Perspective (CTRL+I).

Save to Repository

Save to Repository (CTRL+S) stores active sites and macromolecule information in your Local Repository.

Save as File

Save as File (CTRL+SHIFT+S) enables you to save/export your macromolecule and ligand modifications as well as your pharmacophore models. Depending on the file format, check boxes in the Save File dialog let you choose advanced export settings and the items (ligand, environment, pharmacophore) you want to save/export. The export settings are sensitive according to the current data (e.g.: if no pharmacophore is present then related settings are disabled).


Closes the shown data in the current view (CTRL+W). In the Structure-Based Modeling Perspective LigandScout gives feedback and asks for confirmation, in case there is modified or unsaved data.

Sessions: Load Session from File

Loads the previously exported SES file which contains data of the Local Repository, Alignment Perspective, Ligand-Based Modeling Perspective and Bookmark View.

Sessions: Save Session as File

Stores the current data of the Local Repository, Alignment Perspective, Ligand-Based Modeling Perspective and Bookmark View in a single session file (SES file).

Sessions: Store current Session

Stores the current data of the Local Repository, Alignment Perspective, Ligand-Based Modeling Perspective and Bookmark View in a single session file. Selecting your named session reloads all the data that was previously stored.

Sessions: Remove Session(s)

Deletes one of the available named session files from disk ( irrevocable operation).

Repository: Delete from Local Repository

Deletes the current PDB complex from your Local Repository (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D). LigandScout will reload the original data from the PDB server if requested.

Repository: Import Repository

Import Repository (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+I) allows you to import a zipped PMZ database (*.zip) either locally or to your default LigandScout data search path. The use of a PDB data repository drastically accelerates the ligand-macromolecule complex initialization, since LigandScout uses the structural information stored in the repository instead of downloading the file from the PDB server and interpreting it.

Repository: Export Repository

Export Repository (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E) allows you to export a zipped PMZ database (*.zip) either from the Local Repository or from your Shared Repository.

Repository: Clear Local Repository

Clear Local Repository (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C) erases the local PDB data storage.

Alignment: Import

Imports a previously exported set of alignments (CTRL+ALT+V). Using this functionality will directly add all stored molecules and pharmacophores to the Alignment Perspective . In case the Alignment Perspective already contains elements, a dialog will pop up and ask if the old elements should be deleted before adding the new ones.

Alignment: Export

Export (CTRL+ALT+B) will export all molecules and pharmacophores which are currently listed in the Alignment Perspective .

Print Preview

Print Preview (CTRL+ALT+P) shows the report that is printed with the Print command. Depending on the current view, Print Preview will show either a 3D image of the macromolecule if the application is in the Macromolecule View or it will show a report that will be printed with the Print command if the application is in the Active Site View .
In the Macromolecule View the result will look like:
Print preview of macromolecule
Figure A.1. Print preview of macromolecule

In the Active Site View the report which will show up contains a 3D image of the active site, a 2D depiction of the ligand as well as PDB complex meta data consisting of:
  • PDB ligand key
  • PDB complex ID
  • Experimental type and resolution
  • PDB classification
  • Ligand name
  • Deposition date
  • Molecular formula
Here is an example of this report:
Print preview of active site
Figure A.2. Print preview of active site


Print (CTRL+P) enables you to print out the current complex as a report containing a 3D image of the active site, a 2D depiction of the ligand as well as PDB complex meta data consisting of: PDB ligand name, complex identifier, PDB classification, etc. LigandScout uses white background for printing.
If you want to export the 2D and 3D View of your shown elements as images, for instance molecule alignments or single pharmacophore, select the Save command in the File menu. LigandScout supports a various list of image file types such as PNG, POV etc. For more information please see the section called “Exporting Files”

Restore Factory Defaults

Restore Factory Defaults (CTRL+SHIFT+F) will delete your Local Repository, alignment and bookmark lists, dictionaries and preference settings. In fact it will delete everything which is contained in the folder .inteligand-data (the application's working directory).

Recent Files

LigandScout journalizes the eight most recent files for fast and simple reaccess (CTRL+SHIFT+1...9).


Quits LigandScout application (CTRL+Q).



Undo (CTRL+Z) allows you to go back in history, reversing displays, selections and commands.


Redo (CTRL+Y) is the counterpart of the Undo command and executes your previously reversed action.


Select: All (CTRL+A) picks all items (ligand, environment and pharmacophore) at once. The items can be individually selected by choosing “ Ligand ”, “ Environment ” or “ Pharmacophore ”.

Clear Selection

Clear Selection cancels all selections.

Invert Selection

Invert Selection inverts the current selection, i. e. this command selects all elements without the currently selected elements.

Delete Selected Elements

Delete Selected Elements (DEL) will delete all elements contained in the current selection.

Preferences [Linux/Windows]

The Preferences (CTRL+SHIFT+P) allow you to customize LigandScout settings. This item can be accessed via the LigandScout menu on Mac OSX platforms.


Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore

Calculates the score between the shown pharmacophore and the ligands of the library. The pharmacophore score gives information about the fit between a pharmacophore and a molecule. This score takes into account the number of matched features times 10 and the RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation).

Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore (Without Exclusion Volumes)

Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore (Without Exclusion Volumes) calculates the score between the shown pharmacophore and the ligands of the library. The exclusion volumes are not considered in score calculation.

Align and Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore

Align and Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore first aligns the molecules of the library with the shown pharmacophore. Then the score is calculated. The exclusion volumes are included in this score calculation. If a ligand extends into any of the exclusion volumes the score is set to -1.

Align and Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore (Without Exclusion Volumes)

Align and Calculate Score to Shown Pharmacophore (Without Exclusion Volumes) aligns first the molecules of the library with the shown pharmacophore. Then the score is calculated. The exclusion volumes are not included in the scoring process.

Calculate Standard Properties

Calculate Standard Properties calculates the standard properties of a molecule library. This includes the calculation of Rel. TPSA, TPSA [P.Ertl], number of rotatable bonds, acceptors, rings, cLogP, MolWt, heavy atoms and donors.

Calculate Gaussian Shape Similarity Score

Calculate Gaussian Shape Similarity Score uses Gaussian functions for analytically overlap calculations.

Calculate MMFF94 Energy

Calculate MMFF94 Energy calculates the MMFF94 energy of molecules using the settings scheme "Library Molecule Energy Calculation" in the preferences.

Calculate MMFF94 Binding Enthalpy

Calculate MMFF94 Binding Enthalpy calculates the MMFF94 binding enthalpy of molecules relative to the surrounding macromolecular environment. See the section Calculation of MMFF94 Binding Enthalpies in the appendix for further details.

Minimize MMFF94 Energy

Minimize MMFF94 Energy minimizes the MMFF94 energy of library molecules whether the library molecules are located in a binding site (Settings scheme: "Binding Pocket Molecule Energy Minimization") or are solely available (Settings scheme: "Free Molecule Energy Minimization"). To customize the settings, see the section Force Field: MMFF94 and Force Field: Minimization in the preferences.

Calculate Interacting Feature Counts

Calculate Interacting Feature Counts calculates the number of interacting features between library molecules and the binding pocket. The distribution of structure-based pharmacophoric features of each library molecule is shown in the library view. This is useful to validate e.g. docking poses.

Clear User Properties

Clear User Properties removes all user calculated properties of the library table.

Clear File Properties

Clear File Properties prevents the display of all library properties that are contained in a loaded file.

Close Library

Close Library closes the Library View .

Generate Library from

Generates a multi-conformational molecule database (*.ldb) from an input file (*.ldb, *.sd(f), *.smi, *.mol2).


Add Molecules

Add Molecules adds additional molecules to your Training-Set, Test-Set or set of Ignored Ligands.

Flag Selected Molecules

Flag Selected Molecules marks selected molecules as Training-Set, Test-Set or set of Ignored Ligands. You can also decide, which molecules are active or inactive.

Remove Selected Molecules

Remove Selected Molecules deletes selected molecules from the Ligand-Set.

Remove non-Espresso Properties

Remove non-Espresso Properties deletes external properties of the Ligand-Set, that are not generated by Espresso.

Remove Pharmacophore Bias

Remove Pharmacophore Bias deletes the user-defined pharmacophore that influences the ligand-based pharmacophore generation.

(Re)Create Conformational Models

(Re)Create Conformational Models creates conformations to your Ligand-Set. If conformations already exist, they are recreated.

Cluster Ligand-Set

Cluster Ligand-Set clusters the Ligand-Set by pharmacophore based ligand similarity.

Create Pharmacophore

Create Pharmacophore automatically creates the pharmacophore, that is shared in the Training-Set and matches it with the Test-Set. Conformations are automatically generated for the molecules if not available.


Influences the Ligand-based pharmacophore generation according to pairwise alignment of pharmacophores in two ways. It can be influenced by a user-defined pharmacophore or customized feature definition.


Re-Interpret Ligand

Re-Interpret Ligand (CTRL+R) causes LigandScout to re-interpret all bonds of the ligand shown in the current Active Site View . This also triggers recalculation of properties like stereo chemistry, hydrogen positions, and aromaticity.

Move Selection to Ligand Side

Move Selection to Ligand Side (CTRL+SHIFT+C) adds the selected environment elements to the ligand side. LigandScout considers these elements as part of the ligand in pharmacophore generation. It is also possible in the Macromolecule View to select some amino acids or nucleic acids and move them to the core yielding new ligands instead of the acids bound to the macromolecule.

Move Selection to Macromolecule Side

Move Selection to Macromolecule Side (CTRL+SHIFT+E) adds the selected ligand elements to the macromolecule side. LigandScout considers these elements as part of the environment in pharmacophore generation. This entry will only be active in Active Site View .

Create New Bond

Create New Bond (CTRL+SHIFT+B) adds a new bond between two selected atoms if it is reasonable . Essentially this means that two atoms can be bound together if their distance is not too short and not too long. This distance should be around the two atoms "normal" bonding distance.

Increase Charge of the Selected Elements

Increase Charge of the Selected Elements (+) adds a positive charge to the currently selected atoms.

Decrease Charge of the Selected Elements

Decrease Charge of the Selected Elements (-) adds a negative charge to the currently selected atoms.

Ionize Acids and Bases

Deprotonate all single-bonded oxygens of all acid-like substructures (CTRL+SHIFT+J). For nitrogens which are double-bonded to two oxygens one of the double-bonds will be replaced by a single bond, the nitrogen's charge will be set to +1 and the oxygen will be deprotonated. Basic amines, amidines, and guanidines are protonated.

Neutralize Acids and Bases

For all single-bonded deprotonated oxygens of acid-like substructures and all nitrogens which have a double bond to an oxygen and a single bond to a deprotonated oxygen, the deprotonated oxygens will be set back to a neutral state (protonated). Basic amines, amidines, and guanidines are neutralized (CTRL+SHIFT+K).

Move All Water Molecules and Metals to Ligand Side

Move All Water Molecules and Metals to Ligand Side (CTRL+SHIFT+L) relocates all metals and water molecules to the ligand side.

Move All Water Molecules and Metals to Macromolecule Side

Move All Water Molecules and Metals to Macromolecule Side (CTRL+SHIFT+M) relocates all metals and water molecules to the macromolecule side.

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Molecule

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Molecule (CTRL+ALT+O) minimizes the MMFF94 energy of the ligand. For an unbound ligand the MMFF94 and optimization settings scheme “ Free Molecule Energy Minimization ” applies. For a ligand within a binding pocket the settings scheme “ Binding Pocket Core Molecule Energy Minimization ” is used. To customize the settings, see the section Force Field: MMFF94 and Force Field: Minimization in the preferences.

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Side Chains

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Side Chains (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+O) minimizes the MMFF94 energy of the side chains of the environment. The settings scheme “ Binding Pocket Side Chain Energy Minimization ” is used. To customize the settings, see the section Force Field: MMFF94 and Force Field: Minimization in the preferences.

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Core Molecule and Side Chains

Minimize MMFF94 Energy of Core Molecule and Side Chains (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X) minimizes the MMFF94 energy of the ligand and the side chains of the environment. The settings scheme “ Binding Pocket Core Molecule and Side Chain Energy Minimization ” is used. To customize the settings, see the section Force Field: MMFF94 and Force Field: Minimization in the preferences.

Generate Tautomers

Generate Tautomers (CTRL+ALT+G) performs a tautomer enumeration of the shown ligand.

Show Tautomers As Library

Show Tautomers As Library shows the tautomers that are associated with the ligand in Library View .


Create new Feature

Create new Feature can create three geometric types of features: vector (H-Bond Acceptor, H-Bond Donor, Iron Binding Location, Magnesium Binding Location, Zinc Binding Location), point (Hydrophobic, Negative Ionizable, Positive Ionizable, Exclusion Volume) and plane feature (Aromatic Ring). To create a vector feature between the ligand and the environment, select an atom on ligand-side and on environment-side. Then, you can choose your appropriate feature. To create a feature only on the ligand-side, select at least one atom of the ligand. To create an aromatic ring feature, at least three atoms are needed to be selected. If you choose more than one atom (ligand-side only), the new feature is created on the average position of the selected atoms.

Change Feature Type

Change Feature Type alters the type of a feature. Select a feature and change its type. A submenu shows which types can be chosen.

Create Pharmacophore

Create Pharmacophore (CTRL+F9) activates LigandScout's automatic pharmacophore generation algorithm. Both ligand and environment characteristics are analyzed for pharmacophore generation.

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (Catalyst)

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (Catalyst) (SHIFT+F9) reduces advanced 3D pharmacophore models for virtual screening with Catalyst . In case of multiple features on single atoms, LigandScout automatically obtains the best feature for Catalyst.

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (MOE)

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (MOE) (CTRL+SHIFT+F9) reduces advanced 3D pharmacophore models for virtual screening with MOE . LigandScout will prepare the pharmacophore in a way which works best for MOE.

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (Phase)

Create Simplified Pharmacophore (Phase) (CTRL+SHIFT+F10) reduces advanced 3D pharmacophore models for virtual screening with Phase . LigandScout will prepare the pharmacophore in a way which works best for Phase.

Clear Pharmacophore

Clear Pharmacophore (CTRL+ALT+ SHIFT+P) erases all pharmacophore features.

Create Exclusion Volume Coat

Create Exclusion Volumes Coat places individually adjusted exclusion spheres on the ligand surroundings occupied by protein residues. This feature allows one to simulate the binding site shape in order to significantly increase enrichment during virtual screening.

Create Exclusion Volumes on Selected Atoms

Create Exclusion Volumes on Selected Atoms places exclusion volumes on selected atoms.

Increase Selected Feature Tolerance by 0.15 Å

Increase Selected Feature Tolerance by 0.15 Å (CTRL+SHIFT+NumPad+) expands the tolerance spheres of pharmacophoric features by 0.15 Å in order to decrease the restrictivity of the pharmacophore model.

Decrease Selected Feature Tolerance by 0.15 Å

Decrease Selected Feature Tolerance by 0.15 Å (CTRL+SHIFT+NumPad-) narrows the tolerance spheres of pharmacophoric features by 0.15 Å in order to increase the restrictivity of the pharmacophore model.

Increase Selected Feature Weight by 0.1

Increase Selected Feature Weight by 0.1 rises the weight of a selected feature. The feature weight has an impact on the pair-wise alignment of pharmacophores. (maximum: 1)

Decrease Selected Feature Weight by 0.1

Decrease Selected Feature Weight by 0.1 lowers the weight of a selected feature. The feature weight has an impact on the pair-wise alignment of pharmacophores. (minimum: 0.1)

Interpolate Features

Interpolates selected features in the Alignment Perspective (CTRL+E). The features must be of the same type and must belong to the same pharmacophore to yield a new chemical feature replacing the selected old ones. Features will only be interpolated if their maximum pairwise distance will be lower than five times the average tolerance of the selected features.

Mark Features as

Mark Features as Optional flags the selected features which are not mandatory to find a valid alignment (similar to the max. omitted feature action). During the screening process, a molecule is still a valid hit when these marked features are not matched. Unmark Features as Optional reverses the flag of the selected features. To switch off features, select Mark Features as Disabled . These features are not taken into account in the alignment process. To switch disabled features on, select Mark Features as Enabled .

Screen Pharmacophore Against External Library

Use this functionality if you want to screen the current pharmacophore model against a molecule library which is not loaded in LigandScout. The Open dialog appears where you can choose the library and customize the settings for the screening procedure .

Align & Merge

Center Coordinates of All Structures

Centers all shown elements in Alignment Perspective (CTRL+ALT+C).

Set Reference

Sets the selected ligand or pharmacophore explicitly as reference for the alignment procedure in the Alignment Perspective (CTRL+ALT+R).

Clear All Elements

Clear All Elements (CTRL+ALT+X) deletes all molecules and pharmacophores which are currently listed in the Alignment Perspective . An confirmation pop up reconfirm your decision.

Align Selected Elements

Aligns the selected elements to the reference element ( Align by features ) or with respect to the protein environment ( Align by reference points ) in the Alignment Perspective . Align by features allows one to align both ligands and pharmacophore models by an algorithm examining the best possible pharmacophoric feature overlay. If no reference element was specified one of the selected elements will be chosen randomly. Align by reference points is a useful tool to investigate protein-ligand complexes of structurally related targets. It allows one to align the ligands with respect to the surrounding protein residues. In this way the user is able to directly compare the absolute position of one or several ligands within the aligned binding site.

Generate Shared Feature Pharmacophore

Align & Merge Pharmacophores

Generates merged pharmacophores based on feature alignment or the alignment of reference points of the selected pharmacophores and the pharmacophores of the selected molecules in the Alignment Perspective . Every single chemical feature will be added (with its original positions) to a newly created pharmacophore, the so-called merged pharmacophore .

Combine Features in One Pharmacophore

Joins all features of all selected pharmacophore models in one pharmacophore (CTRL+ALT+M).

Interpolate All Features Within Tolerances

In the Alignment Perspective this action will automatically group features of the same type which are within their mutual tolerances (CTRL+ALT+T). Every group of features will be independently interpolated yielding new features. These new features will replace the original groups of features in the resulting pharmacophore. In other words, the resulting pharmacophore will not contain features with an overlap of their tolerances that is too large.

Render Control

Ligand Default Style

The Ligand Default Style menu provides access to a variety of rendering modes, like Line , Ball and Stick , Stick and Spacefilling/CPK . Hydrogens can be excluded from depiction or be reduced to stubs. Show Templates activates the depiction of default geometric templates depending on the hybdridization-state of the currently selected atom. Show Interactions displays all possible interaction partners within the macromolecule of the currently selected ligand atom. Show Ionic Interactions displays ionic interactions between metals and non-metals. The Pickable check box sets the ligand selectable/unselectable.

Environment Default Style

The Environment Default Style submenu of the Render Control menu corresponds in large part to the respective ligand menu and lets you select different rendering modes and define hydrogen handling. Show Templates activates the depiction of default geometric templates depending on the hybdridization-state of the currently selected atom. The Pickable check box sets the environment selectable/unselectable in Active Site View .


Selection lets you customize the rendering of the current selection. LigandScout provides four different modes: Line , Ball and Stick , Stick and Spacefilling/CPK .

Protein Backbone Default Style

The Protein Backbone Default Style submenu lets you control the rendering of the protein backbone. LigandScout provides four different modes: Lines , Splines , Snake , and Ribbon .


The Pharmacophore submenu enables you to switch on/off pharmacophore and excluded volume rendering. The Pickable check box makes the pharmacophoric features selectable or unselectable in 3D.

Alignment Perspective Defaults

Use Blur (SDOF: Semantic Depth of Field) allows advanced blurring of objects. The effect is only visible if the corresponding check box of ligands/pharmacophores in the Alignment Panel is activated. SDOF may cause graphical issues or slow down the performance on low end computer systems and is therefore recommended only with suitable hardware equipment. Show Reference Points allows to visualize the position of the protein residues when using alignments based on reference points . Show Reference Point Names places residue identifiers to this reference points. Show Feature Tethers visualizes the affiliation of corresponding pharmacophoric features with tethers. Show Reference Point Tethers visualizes the affiliation of corresponding protein reference points with tethers.


The Behavior submenu gives you control on the main 3D View defaults. Pickable Bonds toggles the possibility to select bonds. Highlight Bond Cylinders in Selection will only show an effect in the render styles Ball and Stick and Line . If this option is disabled only the atom will be highlighted in Ball and Stick render style and nothing will be highlighted in Line render style. However, if this option is enabled a selected atom will also highlight all “ outgoing ” bonds half-way for both render styles. Simple Rendering While Moving (CTRL+V) causes LigandScout to use less complex rendering algorithms while moving the macromolecule-ligand complex. Show Tooltips shows you important information, such as classification, geometry, and coordinates of your currently selected atom, bond, or pharmacophore feature. Enabled option causes LigandScout to view a small information popup next to the selected object.


LigandScout supports parallel and perspective projection. Wide Angle View enhances perspective distortion. The Light Background option (CTRL+L) switches the 3D depiction to white background. Depth Cueing enhances depth recognition in the scene. AntiAliasing neutralizes stairway-effects at the edge of rendered objects.

Center Camera on Ligand

Center Camera on Ligand (CTRL+Page Up) recenters the camera position on the ligand.

Center Camera on Binding Site

Center Camera on Binding Site (CTRL+Page Down) recenters the camera position on the protein binding site.

Turn Camera for Optimized View

Turn Camera for Optimized View recenters the camera position. This feature allows to quickly reposition the protein-ligand complex with minimum overlap of the ligand atoms.

Add Angle Monitor

Allows one to measure the angle between three selected atoms. You can erase the angle monitor by selecting the angle value and pressing the Delete icon.

Add Distance Monitor

Allows one to measure the distance between two selected atoms. You can erase the distance monitor by selecting the distance value and pressing the Delete icon.



No Surface will be displayed.

Ligand Van der Waals Surface

Depending on the van der Waals distances of ligand atoms spheres will be created and combined to the van der Waals surface (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+W).

Ligand Solvent Accessible Surface

This surface describes the boundary which separates the ligand from its potential interacting atoms (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+A). This means, points on this surface are the closest locations, where interacting atoms can appear.

Ligand Molecular Surface

This surface is created by placing a sphere around each ligand atom (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+M). Then a hypothetical probe is rolled over these spheres. The record of where this probe touched the spheres will result in the molecular surface.

Receptor Binding Pocket

This will display the surface of all the atoms in the environment which potentially interact with ligand atoms (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B). However, only those parts of the surface facing the ligand will be drawn.

Hide Back Side (Backface Culling)

This option will toggle the visibility of parts of the surface which will be seen from behind. This is especially useful for viewing a receptor surface, because this will allow you to cut away the front part of the enclosing view and show the ligand as illlustrated below:
Backface culling enabled (1HRV)
Figure A.3. Backface culling enabled (1HRV)

Backface culling disabled (1HRV)
Figure A.4. Backface culling disabled (1HRV)

Transparency (Alpha Blending)

Activating this option will result in a surface rendered transparently such that for example also the interior of an enclosing surface will be visible.

Dynamically Update Surface

This option allows the fully automated recalculation of molecular surfaces upon molecule changes. The prerequisite for this option to have an effect is that a molecular surface type other than “ None ” is selected.

Front Clipping

Front clipping suppresses the visualization of parts of the surface that may avert a direct view of the ligand in the binding site. This feature is especially useful in the case of tight, elongated pockets.

Color Encoding

This menu item allows for coloring the surface. Available options are: No Color-Coding (Gray) , By Atom Type , By Polarity , By Aggregated Lipophilicity/Hydrophobicity and By MMFF94 Partial Charge .
  • No Color-Coding (Gray) no specific coloring (defaults to gray).
  • By Atom Type will use different colors for each atom type.
  • By Polarity will color polar regions in red (hydrophilic areas).
  • By Aggregated Lipophilicity/Hydrophobicity will color non-polar regions in yellow (hydrophobic areas).
  • By MMFF94 Partial Charge will color by MMFF94 partial charge properties.

Render Style

This menu item allows to choose between different render styles like solid, wireframe or rendering points.

Recalculate & Update Surface

If “ Dynamically Update Surface ” is disabled, this menu item allows to recalculate molecular surfaces on request (CTRL+SHIFT+U). This may be needed if the core molecule was modified (e.g. changing of atom types, moving parts to core or to environment, ...).



Depending on the perspective you can enable/disable the PDB Control , Library/List , Alignment and Bookmark Panels . The PDB Control Panel gives you information about the current PDB file and lets you select a ligand in the Active Site View . The Library/List Panel shows molecules contained in a library. The Alignment Panel allows you to align ligands and pharmacophores. In the Bookmarks Panel you can save the current Active Site View .

2D Depiction

The 2D View Panel shows the 2D structure and pharmacophore of the currently selected ligand ( Ligand 2D View ). Important information and statistics are shown as Ligand Details View in Structure-Based Modeling Perspective and Alignment Details View in Alignment Perspective . You can switch the 2D View Panel on/off by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+2.

Hierarchy View

The Hierarchy View (CTRL+T) gives a clearly arranged tree list of the currently visible elements (either the whole macromolecule or the active site, ligands and pharmacophores). You can also toggle visibility and colorize elements of the 3D View .

Library Table

The Library View allows to examine an external compound library of small organic molecules. It is especially useful for the investigation of docking results in the Structure-Based Modeling Perspective .

Ligand-Set Table

The Ligand-Set Table shows the ligands (Test-Set, Training-Set or Ignored Ligands) that are used for the ligand-based pharmacophore generation in the Ligand-Based Modeling Perspective .

Screening Hits

The Screening Hits shows the hits of a screening run in the Screening Perspective .

3D Widgets

Enables/Disables several types of widgets to exchange and navigate through your data. The Copyboard Widget transfers ligands, pharmacophores and active sites between perspectives. The Zoom Out Widget switches from the Active Site View to the Macromolecule View . The Alternatives Switcher helps you to go through your collection of selected compounds in the Library View. The Tautomer Switcher and the Conformer Switcher guides you through the tautomers or conformers of a specific compound.

Show All Views and Tables

Show All Views and Tables (CTRL+SHIFT+A) enables all panels and control windows depending on the current view ( Ligand-Based Modeling Perspective, Structure-Based Modeling Perspective, Alignment Perspective, Bookmark View or Screening Perspective ).

Show 3D View Only

Show 3D View Only (CTRL+SHIFT+V) hides all other panels except 3D View .


LigandScout Help

LigandScout Help (F1) starts the built-in help system. The chapters describes the functions that are provided by LigandScout. You can also search specific terms in the Help dialog.

About this System

Displays information about this system's OpenGL implementation.

About LigandScout [Linux/Windows]

Displays information about LigandScout and the development team. The corresponding entry is located in the LigandScout menu on Mac OSX platforms.

License Information

Gives information about your LigandScout license.

Contact · Disclaimer

Page designed & authored by G. Wolber